The Rehearsal

  • I’m in a slump like I’ve never been before.
  • This is the darkest time in my life.
  • I will never get back on top.

These are things we might say when things are looking really bad. You could probably add to this list by the bucketload. STOP! Don’t go there. I want us to look at how we can turn our thoughts around instead of getting stuck in the gunk of life.

The Psalmist had the right idea when he penned this psalm. The verses rehearse the wonderful things God has done—for the world, for his nation, for his family, for himself personally. In between each rehearsal he repeats the phrase, “His faithful love endures forever.”

When things are going south fast this is what we need to do. We need to walk through the things we know about God and remind ourselves that what He has done in the past He will do again—because His faithful love endures forever.

Ophra has long touted the benefits of maintaining a gratitude journal She shared on her website a list from one day:

  1. A run around Florida’s Fisher Island with a slight breeze that kept me cool. 
  2. Eating cold melon on a bench in the sun. 
  3. A long and hilarious chat with Gayle about her blind date with Mr. Potato Head. 
  4. Sorbet in a cone, so sweet that I literally licked my finger. 
  5. Maya Angelou calling to read me a new poem. 

But this is nothing new, the Psalmist did it centuries ago. It is still a great idea. I am a huge fan of keeping a prayer journal. Keep lists of things you pray for and note when you receive the answer. It’s a great place to go back to on those dark days when you can’t pull those remembrances out of your gray matter. Even include a gratitude list (which I often do). We can be thankful to God for those things too.

More than people, places, events we can rest assured—His faithful love endures forever.