The Narrow Gate

My previous post was talking about the road once you’ve walked through the narrow gate (Matt. 7:14). I’m not sure why God’s Spirit illuminated it to me in this way, but I find that often to be the case. I’m going backward in the scriptures.

I really want to zone in on that gate—that narrow gate that is the only way you can get into God’s Kingdom. Jesus is the One speaking these words and He, Himself was actually going to become that gate. Jesus was God’s sacrifice—the payment for our sins, because God is holy and nothing unholy can enter His presence. So by accepting Jesus payment we are made holy.

Back to the gate, and the fact that it is narrow—the gate is so narrow that only one person can get through at a time. I cannot squeeze through on another person’s prayers. My mom and dad have accepted Christ so that means I automatically get in—NO! I can only get in by accepting Jesus’ hand that draws me in. I also cannot pull another in with me. I can show them the gate. I can point the way. I can give them the “secret password.” But I cannot make that choice for them. Scripture makes it clear that God has given each of us a free will.

As I was contemplating this today I also turned to Ecclesiastes 2:1-11, where I am also reading currently. There I find the writer journaling his endeavor to find meaning in life. He says, “I said to myself, ‘Come on, let’s try pleasure. Let’s look for the “good things” in life.’ But I found that this, too, is meaningless.” “I also tried to find meaning by building huge homes for myself and by planting beautiful vineyards.” He continued with all the different things he tried, but his conclusion was, “There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere.” His journey was much like many of ours. We try all sorts of things trying to get to that ultimate satisfaction, when in reality, that can only be found by going through that narrow gate.

What does this say to me? I want to be a huge flashing signpost that points others to that narrow gate. I don’t want anyone to miss out.

What does this say to you?