My Prayer

   Lord, You are my praise (Deut. 10:21)! When I recount all the wonderful things You have done I stand amazed. The Lord of all, the God of the universe chooses me. Thank You God!

   I love the book of Deuteronomy in the Bible—it retells the story of how You brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt (and that alone is an amazing event all in itself), how You led them through the sea (on dry land!), how You brought them to the mountain where Moses spent forty days and nights with no food or water to give Your covenant to Your people. It tells of their journey to the land You’d promised their ancestors. 

   Sadly, it tells how they decided to check it out first and that led to their hearts melting in fear because they looked at the circumstances, not the God who had miraculously led them this far. Instead of remembering all the amazing feats You’d already accomplished and leaning on that truth, they looked at what their eyes could see. How often have I done that?

   I want to just stop here and sit on this for a moment—I need to soak in the goodness of the Lord. It reminds me of a song we sang Sunday “You Keep on Getting Better,”

   This is how I want start each day—singing of Your goodness and love, knowing that I’ll go through seasons of light and dark, but You have always been enough. Though the waiting may seem long, You are always faithful! 

   What I can always count on is that You will be true to Your character—You are faithful, You’re kind, You’re consistent and You cannot be shaken. I don’t know how theologically sound it is, but it does seem as if You just keep getting better.

   Lord, let this be my theme today—You are good in the morning, You are good in the evening and I will be singing of how You are good to me.